Tired of Being Tired?

Trying to find a solution to your baby’s sleep problems can often feel overwhelming. When your little one does not nap well or wakes several times in the night, you often don’t have the energy to research and find the answers you need. What you do can have a great impact on your child’s sleep habits for years to come.
Sleep Solutions I Offer

Let Me Help

  • Together we will teach your baby to self-soothe and break any bad sleep prop tendencies promoting independent sleep.
  • We will build a consistent routine setting healthy expectations for you and your baby.
Let Me Help

My Sleep Philosophy


Benefit Overview

There are many benefits to my sleep programs:

  • First and most importantly, you get my guarantee that we will with your committment and consistency, reach your sleep goals.
  • By getting a detailed snapshot of your child’s sleep habits, bedtime routine, temperament, and schedule, I’ll be able to create a sleep plan that is 100% customized to fit YOUR family’s needs.
  • A private consultation where we’ll discuss strategies, troubleshoot possible problems, and learn how to address bedtime, naptime, night-waking, or any other specific issues you might be dealing with.
  • A detailed, fully customized sleep plan in writing will be provided to you at the conclusion of our meeting.
  • A sleep log that you will fill in so that I can daily monitor your child’s sleep progress making changes if needed.

Client’s Testimonials

“I enjoyed the experience with Michelle’s sleep training. My husband has a unique schedule and Michelle was reasonable and had multiple solutions to different hiccups we had. Sleep training wasn’t something I ever thought about doing but I now see it as similar to hiring a personal trainer. Sure, you can exercise on your own and find generic answers on the internet but having a sleep trainer coach will help you see results more quickly by developing a specific plan for your needs and schedule, answering your questions, giving simple solutions and supporting you as well as holding you accountable. I would recommend Michelle to anyone!”

- Tom & Allison, Parents of 4-year-old

It sounds silly, but I sometimes forget my baby is not a robot who will magically sleep when I do all the right things.  Michelle had a lot of ideas that I would not have thought of and helped me find a sweet spot where I can progressively stretch out my baby’s nighttime feedings, AND make sure his quality of sleep is consistent. We’ve had a hard time transitioning him away from a swaddle, and now he sleeps at least 10 hours every night! It helped immensely to talk it out with someone who knows the ins and outs of baby sleep.

- Kel & Courtney, Parents of 2 month old

Michelle Read Sleep Solutions made the transition from breastfeeding and co-sleeping with my 22-month-old as smooth as possible. There were nights that I felt like giving up, but with Michelle’s encouragement and personalized sleep plan, my daughter and I are both sleeping more soundly through the night in our separate beds.

- Cheyenne, Mother of 22-month-old

My Story

Hi! My name is Michelle Read. I am a certified Sleep Sense Consultant and mother of two grown boys.

I can well remember the struggles I had especially with my firstborn. He cried a lot and every time he did, I fed him. It’s a wonder he didn’t pop for being overfed! I also remember standing over the crib holding the pacifier in his mouth, praying that he would just fall back asleep. Those early days were hard and because I was not getting adequate rest…
